We’ll be taking a short hiatus until August 28th, 2024! Stay tuned.

We'll be taking a short hiatus until August 28th, 2024! Stay tuned.


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At the Gates – Launching May 7!

It’s been a busy year since I moved back to Japan. The next update for Touching the Abyss is May 8th but my newest tabletop roleplay game, At the Gates, starts crowdfunding on May 7th!

At the Gates is a high fantasy adventure ttrpg inspired by Japanese RPG. A magical disaster cracks the world and some nations race to harness its power and while others race to stop the spread of its destruction.

To sign up for the launch check it out here: https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/4bee2599-c6a8-4b43-957f-556265b83e37/landing

I had 4 other books come out this month to include the preview of At the Gates!

My earlier ttrpgs, They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave! and They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! have released to the public.

They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave! is the latest in the They Came From… line of tabletop roleplaying games. Cyclops’s Cave! sees characters ranging from heroic swordsmen and cunning sorceresses to charming minstrels and agile scoundrels, embarking on quests designed to evoke the majesty of fantasy movies and television shows from the 1940s onward. Whether you’re looking to channel an epic like The Thief of Bagdad or grim fantasy such as The Sword and the Sorcerer, Cyclops’s Cave! has everything you need for swashbuckling, noble heroism, and monster slaying.

hey Came from [CLASSIFIED]! is the latest in the They Came From… line of tabletop roleplaying games. [CLASSIFIED]! sees characters ranging from talented adventurers and agency quartermasters, to dashing spies and sexy provocateurs, embracing all the excitement, gadgets, and mayhem of the spy movies and detective TV shows prevalent from the 1960s onward. Whether you’re a Moore-era Bond fan, an aficionado of John Steed and Emma Peel’s adventures, or an Austin Powers-esque swinging cat, [CLASSIFIED]! has everything you need for a groovy, espionage-filled story.

Additionally, I contributed a short story to the charity crime anthology: Burning Down the House: Crime Fiction Incited by the Songs of the Talking Heads.

Only Demons Walk Beside Us now available!

Chapters 1 – 3 are collected into this 159 page graphic novel!

The 8 of Swords

The Devil

The Lovers – see the conclusion to the ongoing chapter before it ends on the webcomic with bonus content!

Now avaiable in PDF, and in 3 different 7 in x 10 in print options through DriveThru Comics.

Premium Color is the clearest and best print version for both the colored bonus content and the black and white comics. But it is also the most expensive option at $30.

Also available in pdf on Google Books!

The 8 of Swords is now Available from Screaming Eye Press

You can now buy a copy of Touching the Abyss: The 8 of Swords.

The Devil is shaping up to be about 50 pages before extras. I should have the last pages in time for an early 2021 release. I have decided to rewrite the pilot episode, so “the Lovers” it will provide new content vs being a straight panel for panel redraw of the original Chapter 1- Contracts.

Rolling forward, this will be the chapter set-up for Salient Caligation:

1 – The 8 of Swords – Full Issue Available: Screaming Eye Press ; Drive Thru Comics

2- The Devil – (SFW) Full Issue Available: Drive Thru Comics

3- The Lovers (Ongoing Issue)

4- Death (TBA)

5- The Tower (TBA)

6- Judgement (Finale- TBA)

Other Media tie-ins:

Nikola (Short story)

“Death Answers” and “Voyeur” (short stories in Nightside: Tales of Outré Noir)

“Mother” (short story in Coming Through in Waves)

Rise: The Ardent Souls (WIP -Book Series)

Eidolon (working title, graphic novel, in development)

Fallen (working title, graphic novel, in development)

So stay tuned!

World Below Now Funding!

I worked on this new dark fantasy / horror table top roleplaying game with Onyx Path Publishing and it’s Backerkit crowdfunding campaign is going live in 7 days! Ed Greenwood of Forgotten Realms joined us on this project. Check out the link to check out this wonderful game!

“Do not concern yourself with what’s above you. From here on out, the only way forward is down.

The World Below provides. But you must dig. You must explore. You must map. You must build. You must defend. The World Below provides, but only to the worthy. 

Your surroundings are horrific and wondrous. Extract gemstones and find natural springs of nourishing water, but be cautious: excavate too far, and you’ll wake the creatures in the walls, the caves, and the Dark.

The World Below is a game of adversity, heroism, terror, and awe. Your characters will overcome or be defeated by terrible beasts, environmental calamities, and Kaos storms ravaging their surroundings and the souls around them. They will chart their journeys, chronicle their tales, and pass their stories down to their descendants, who will in turn become your characters when your old ones perish or retire.

Expect threats and risks, joys, and discoveries. The World Below promises a hard, harsh existence, but when the light of hope gleams in the thick darkness, it feels as bright as the sun.

Unified Only to Survive

Gloom and impenetrable darkness fill the caverns of the World Below, hiding beasts and predators waiting to feed on unwary denizens. Guilds form around the business of curating knowledge of safe spaces, finding food, and studying the World Below. People equip themselves with what they can to survive, bedecking themselves in insect carapaces, woven plants, and silks. They arm themselves with fangs, bones, claws, and ores fashioned as blades and hammers. 

Deep in the lowest mapped point of the World Below is the Well — an endless energy source that generates violet light, purifies water, and blooms hearty foodstuffs. This Well is guarded by entities known only as the Well Liches, who do not share their spoils lightly. The lifespring of this Well is called Kaos, and it radiates out beyond the Well Liches’ reach. When heroes raid the Well for power, they find themselves with a dilemma: Do I keep the power to myself or share it with the worthy?”



Touching the Abyss is now running it’s SFW chapter of the Devil on Webtoons. Check it out there if you prefer to read your comics on an app!


Rat in a Burning Cage is now available in Print on Demand Format from DriveThru RPG! 

Buy a copy here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/450371/Rat-In-A-Burning-Cage-An-Adventure-Set-for-Trinity-Continuum-Assassins?affiliate_id=1686942


Hello folks! I have all the pages scheduled out to post until the end of September while I move across the ocean once more. The development of this chapter is going well.

For those unaware, I also freelance write table top roleplay games and we have several kickstarers coming up!

Trinity Continuum: Aegis launches on Backerkit on July 25th!

Out right now I have 2 books for 2 very different horror games:

Don’t open the Gates” which is a virtual table top scenario book for “They Came From Beyond the Grave” and the World Below‘s preview book – which has all the things you need to run the game now before the system’s full release

14 Jul 22 – Updates

Phew, the Lovers is churning and burning! Once I have all the pages for the Lovers in hand I will be compiling it with the other 2 issues of Touching the Abyss and releasing it as “Only Demons Walk Beside Us”.

If you missed it: The Devil is available for Print on Demand and digitally from DriveThru Comics: Here.

I’ve been busy with my day job and my freelance tabletop roleplay writing with Onyx Path Publishing. These past 2 months have been busy with filming and writing and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to slow down anytime soon!

I have an author page now that lists all of my projects in a less graphic intensive format: https://www.kimberlygodwin.com

I will be attending Tabletop Scotland in Perth, Scotland on Aug 27 – 28, 2022 with Onyx Path Publishing!

I will be co-hosting the Walk the Onyx Path Panel and running 2 Trinity Continuum: Aberrant game sessions as well.

Full info / tickets here: Tabletop Scotland.


I have to update all my graphics but, the series name will be changing to “Touching the Abyss” to make it easier for people to say and find. Stay tuned!

May 26 Updates

It’s been a crazy year for me as my 2nd Master’s program comes to a close. I’ve been doing less short fiction this year but I have taken some freelance table top roleplay game work. I’m under several NDA right now but I can’t wait until I can share what I’ve been working on. It’s been a fun learning process and I get to work with a company I’ve wanted to work with for a while.

I submitted the completed pages of the Devil to my publisher Screaming Eye Press with a few lore heavy extras. We’ll see when it’ll be ready for release. It’s got several more months of run time before it concludes here on the site! There won’t be too much of a break between The Devil and the Lovers!

Nicoy and I have started working ahead. The Lovers is a revisiting of the original Pilot of Salient Caligation. I’ve grown as a writer since the comic started and I wanted it to be complete under a single artist. I had a lot of help with Salient Caligation over the years but I want it to be more consistent. I’m not as constrained by page count so I will try to tell the story in as many pages as it needs. I’m not sure how many pages the Lovers will end up being, but likely it will be as long as the Devil, maybe longer. I’m still writing the script between other projects and coursework.

If you like the comic and want to help out, consider leaving a review on The Eight of Swords on Good Reads or Amazon!

If you want to read some of my other work you can check out my short stories:

In “Coming Through in Waves” and “Nightside: Tales of Outre Noir“.


Good news is that I installed a more mobile friendly theme.

Bad news is that I didn’t import the old comics in properly so I have to reupload everything. >>

I’ll be adjusting things to make the comic more mobile friendly in viewing once I figure out how I need to slice them!