Phew, the Lovers is churning and burning! Once I have all the pages for the Lovers in hand I will be compiling it with the other 2 issues of Touching the Abyss and releasing it as “Only Demons Walk Beside Us”.
If you missed it: The Devil is available for Print on Demand and digitally from DriveThru Comics: Here.
I’ve been busy with my day job and my freelance tabletop roleplay writing with Onyx Path Publishing. These past 2 months have been busy with filming and writing and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to slow down anytime soon!
I have an author page now that lists all of my projects in a less graphic intensive format: https://www.kimberlygodwin.com

I will be attending Tabletop Scotland in Perth, Scotland on Aug 27 – 28, 2022 with Onyx Path Publishing!
I will be co-hosting the Walk the Onyx Path Panel and running 2 Trinity Continuum: Aberrant game sessions as well.
Full info / tickets here: Tabletop Scotland.