I worked on this new dark fantasy / horror table top roleplaying game with Onyx Path Publishing and it’s Backerkit crowdfunding campaign is going live in 7 days! Ed Greenwood of Forgotten Realms joined us on this project. Check out the link to check out this wonderful game!
“Do not concern yourself with what’s above you. From here on out, the only way forward is down.
The World Below provides. But you must dig. You must explore. You must map. You must build. You must defend. The World Below provides, but only to the worthy.
Your surroundings are horrific and wondrous. Extract gemstones and find natural springs of nourishing water, but be cautious: excavate too far, and you’ll wake the creatures in the walls, the caves, and the Dark.
The World Below is a game of adversity, heroism, terror, and awe. Your characters will overcome or be defeated by terrible beasts, environmental calamities, and Kaos storms ravaging their surroundings and the souls around them. They will chart their journeys, chronicle their tales, and pass their stories down to their descendants, who will in turn become your characters when your old ones perish or retire.
Expect threats and risks, joys, and discoveries. The World Below promises a hard, harsh existence, but when the light of hope gleams in the thick darkness, it feels as bright as the sun.
Unified Only to Survive
Gloom and impenetrable darkness fill the caverns of the World Below, hiding beasts and predators waiting to feed on unwary denizens. Guilds form around the business of curating knowledge of safe spaces, finding food, and studying the World Below. People equip themselves with what they can to survive, bedecking themselves in insect carapaces, woven plants, and silks. They arm themselves with fangs, bones, claws, and ores fashioned as blades and hammers.
Deep in the lowest mapped point of the World Below is the Well — an endless energy source that generates violet light, purifies water, and blooms hearty foodstuffs. This Well is guarded by entities known only as the Well Liches, who do not share their spoils lightly. The lifespring of this Well is called Kaos, and it radiates out beyond the Well Liches’ reach. When heroes raid the Well for power, they find themselves with a dilemma: Do I keep the power to myself or share it with the worthy?”
Touching the Abyss is now running it’s SFW chapter of the Devil on Webtoons. Check it out there if you prefer to read your comics on an app!

Rat in a Burning Cage is now available in Print on Demand Format from DriveThru RPG!
Buy a copy here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/450371/Rat-In-A-Burning-Cage-An-Adventure-Set-for-Trinity-Continuum-Assassins?affiliate_id=1686942